Lighting the Flame of Hope: The 'Survivor Candle' Story

Dr. McKinsey, NP-C, found a symbol of resilience and solidarity in the gentle light of a candle. After facing the daunting specter of breast cancer twice, she ignited a beacon of hope: Lattier Home Collection.

The 'Survivor Candle' is not merely a candle; it's an emblem of survival, unity, and a steadfast ally for those battling breast cancer. Every flicker tells a tale of defiance against the disease, illuminating spaces with its reassuring glow and comforting aroma.

Born from Dr. McKinsey’s personal journey and unwavering commitment to wellness, the Lattier Home Collection pledges luxury without compromise. Every creation is vegan and meticulously toxin-free, ensuring that your indulgence nurtures spirit and body, reflecting a profound devotion to mindful living.

In the light of the 'Survivor Candl’', we find common ground, standing arm in arm, advocates and warriors alike, fueled by a shared hope for a future untainted by the fears of breast cancer.

Together, we shine brighter.


Preparing Mentally for the Holidays: A Joyful Journey Within


Products with Purpose: Lattier Home Collection's Commitment to the Fight Against Cancer