The Silent Peril: Endocrine Disruptors & Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, an alarming health concern worldwide, has myriad risk factors, some known and others still under scientific scrutiny. One such growing concern is the role of endocrine disruptors in escalating the risk of breast cancer. At Lattier Home Collection, we're dedicated to bringing this conversation to the forefront and ensuring the products you get into your home prioritize quality and safety.

What are Endocrine Disruptors?
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with the body's endocrine system, producing adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects. These chemicals can mimic or block hormones, disrupting the system's natural balance and normal functioning (Eve et al., 2020).

The link between Endocrine Disruptors and Breast Cancer
Hormones, especially estrogen, play a significant role in the growth and development of breast tissues. Chemicals that imitate estrogen, where many endocrine disruptors fall, can potentially promote the growth of hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers.

Studies have revealed that prolonged exposure to these chemicals in everyday products can increase breast tissue density—a well-known risk factor for breast cancer (Calaf et al., 2020). They also play a role in early menstruation, another risk factor for breast cancer, as early menstruation increases the duration of estrogen exposure.

Common Culprits
Endocrine disruptors are more common than one might think, found in:

  • Plastic bottles and containers

  • Canned foods (from the linings)

  • Household cleaning products

  • Cosmetics and personal care products

  • Pesticides

Lattier Home Collection's Commitment
Lattier Home Collection has always been at the forefront of championing a healthy home environment. Our commitment is to curate products that not only exude luxury but ensure they come without the hidden dangers of toxic ingredients. We believe in transparency, and our stand against using endocrine disruptors is unwavering.

What Can You Do?

  1. Stay Informed: Knowledge is power. Being aware of potential risks can guide you to make safer choices.

  2. Check Labels: Before purchasing cosmetics and personal care products, always read labels to spot harmful chemicals.

  3. Support Brands with Integrity: Opt for brands, like Lattier Home Collection, that prioritize health and transparency.

In conclusion, the subtle dangers of endocrine disruptors, especially in breast cancer, are an evolving study area. But one thing is clear—the products we choose matter. At Lattier Home Collection, we ensure your choice is luxurious and healthy. Remember, a safe home is the foundation of a healthy life.







Calaf, G. M., Ponce-Cusi, R., Aguayo, F., Muñoz, J. P., & Bleak, T. C. (2020). Endocrine disruptors from the environment affecting breast cancer. Oncology Letters, 20(1), 19–32.

Eve, L., Fervers, B., Le Romancer, M., & Etienne-Selloum, N. (2020). Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Risk of Breast Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(23), 9139.


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